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San Diego, California

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Bennd Tips For Cultivating A Meditation Practice That Will Last A Lifetime

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Everyone likes a fresh start. Many of us use the New Year as a catapult for new intentions, goals, and healthy habits to inspire us to be the best version of ourselves all year long. Meditation is fundamental to the creation of manifesting the ultimate life you desire. But, for those new to meditation, it can be a daunting habit to explore. So we have compiled our top tips for cultivating a meditation practice you will grow to love and stick with all year long. 

TIP #1: Be With Yourself In Silence

The word 'meditation' can be intimidating. The ideal expectations we create in our minds of what meditation is supposed to look like are usually the number one reason we avoid anything that has to do with meditation altogether—sitting still or upright, feeling shame for thoughts that come, the inability to concentrate, etc. These stories we tell ourselves- let them go! Permit yourself to let your thoughts float through without judgment. Try to rephrase or reprogram the idea of meditation as you know it. Enter a new train of thought. ~ Be with yourself in silence ~ That's it. 

Bennd Tips For Cultivating A Meditation Practice That Will Last A Lifetime

Tip #2: Clear Out The Clutter

Although we love a luxuriously textiled Bennd Meditation room, it is not necessary to create a solid practice. You can meditate in bed, in the shower, or on your way to work. However, if you are like us and need a dedicated space to keep focused, then it is imperative to keep the clutter out to reduce distractions. Create an inviting simplistic space that brings you joy. Include your favorite meditation tools and props to encourage you to practice daily.

Bennd Sappan Wood Ayurvedic Meditation Pillow

Tip #3: Start With 3 Minutes A Day

Bennd Indigo Ayurvedic Meditation Pillow
Start with three minutes a day and build your stamina. It could be as simple as three minutes of gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Or try incorporating a Mala and repeat an intentional mantra 108 times. You'd be surprised at how quickly 3 minutes can go by. Once you have formed a daily meditation habit, increase your meditation time. You may be up to 30 or even 60 minutes a day by 2024!