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San Diego, California

Bennd Harda, Turmeric, and Sappan Wood Ayurvedic Yoga Mat
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Mid Year Reflection: Setting Yourself Up For Success For The Rest of 2022

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While it may seem hard to believe, it's been six months since the beginning of 2022, marking the year's midway point. This time of year provides an opportunity to shed light on our year so far and create intentions for how we would like the rest of the year to unfold. It's a powerful time to slow down and check in with ourselves. Here are some of our favorite ways to commemorate the middle of the year and set yourself up for success as we navigate the last six months of 2022. 

Revisit your original intentions

If you set intentions at the start of the year, now is a potent time to revisit and check in on your progress. Notice what intentions still hold true for you and where there may have been a shift in what you are trying to call in. This practice is also a powerful way to celebrate your progress. Take note of which intentions have manifested and which you would like to continue to nurture into existence for the next six months. 

Bennd Double HArda Ayurvedic Yoga Mat

Set new intentions

After you review your original intentions from the beginning of the year, take the time to create some new ones! Take inventory of what you really desire for the next half of the year. How do you want to feel? What are you trying to create in your life? What type of meaningful experiences and relationships are you trying to call in? Take the time to write these out.  

Bennd Midyear Reflection

Create practical goals

Once you have clarity on your intentions, create practical goals that will allow you to show up as your best for the rest of the year. Start small, and create feasible daily goals that will bring you one step closer to what you desire and long to create in your life. For example, if you are trying to expand your career in the arts, start by spending twenty minutes a day honing in on your craft. If you want to ease anxiety and gain greater peace of mind, cultivate a meditation practice, starting with five minutes a day and working your way up. Our Indigo Meditation Set is a great way to help kickstart your goals for a calm and centered state of mind.

Bennd Indigo Meditation Collection

Reflect with gratitude 

Take time for intentional reflection on all the good that has happened in the past six months. Write down a list of everything in 2022 that you feel grateful for, and take time to relish the feeling this creates for you. Revisit this list when you find yourself longing for more to bring you back to a state of gratitude and peace. 

Bennd Midyear Reflection

A lot can happen in a year, and time flies by without us noticing when we don't take time to be present and reflect. Take advantage of this time of year to reflect on the past six months and create intentions that will carry you with ease and joy through the next part of the year and beyond.